How Do You Know Your Screen or Screen Protector Is Damaged?

broken screen
How Do You Know Your Screen or Screen Protector Is Damaged?

Did you recently drop your phone? Are you unsure whether your screen or only your screen protector is damaged?  Use your ultimate weapon when checking for cracks: a bright light. Using this light, examine your phone to see if there are any damages or cracks on the surface of the glass. Sometimes, cracks may look […]

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4 Common Causes of Phone Screen Scratches You Should Avoid

using phone
4 Common Causes of Phone Screen Scratches You Should Avoid

Why is my Phone Screen scratched? People carry their smartphones wherever they go since they rely heavily on their phones. With this in mind, the likelihood of the phone becoming damaged grows as it is used regularly.  Almost every phone will have scratches on the screen, and in this article, you’ll go through the most […]

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Why It’s Better For Your Smartphone to Have a Screen Protector

Why It’s Better For Your Smartphone to Have a Screen Protector

Smartphones are deeply integrated into everyday life and seeing as people use them on the go for virtually anything, it only makes sense to protect them and ensure they survive your hectic lifestyle. With that in mind, buying a quality screen protector is one of the cheapest ways to keep your handy smartphone in pristine […]

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