6 Common Types of Phone Cases and How to Choose the Best One

phone case
6 Common Types of Phone Cases and How to Choose the Best One

Nowadays, you won’t find someone who doesn’t own a mobile phone because of their convenience. Since the mobile phone has become such an essential part of our lives, it’s crucial to ensure that we know how to take care of it properly. Of course, there’s no better way of doing this than by getting a […]

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5 Tips to Finding the Perfect Samsung Galaxy S22 Case Part 2

woman holding Samsung Galaxy S22
5 Tips to Finding the Perfect Samsung Galaxy S22 Case Part 2

A successor to the Galaxy S21, the Samsung Galaxy S22 is a high-end smartphone featuring a 6-inch AMOLED display, a triple rear camera setup, and an efficient processor. The unique design of this smartphone can make it hard to choose exactly the right phone case for you.  In our previous article, we listed some tips […]

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What Are the Top Must-Have Mobile Accessories for Travel?

What Are the Top Must-Have Mobile Accessories for Travel?

When it comes to travelling, your mobile phone can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you’re not prepared, your phone can quickly become a source of frustration, leaving you feeling disconnected and out of touch. But if you’re armed with the right smartphone essentials, your mobile phone can be a powerful tool […]

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New Phone Case: Reasons You Should Get One

phone case
New Phone Case: Reasons You Should Get One

Your smartphone is one of the gadgets you use most of the day. After all, you can do almost everything on your phone because of modern technological advances. From browsing the internet and searching for the latest trends to mapping out directions, your smartphone is a true powerhouse. But similar to other gadgets, smartphones can […]

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What Are the 6 Signs It’s Time to Get a New Phone Case?

iphone with green phone case
What Are the 6 Signs It’s Time to Get a New Phone Case?

Smartphones were formerly considered a luxury in the early 2000s, but they are now essential for work and education. They are an essential aspect of communication, doing numerous duties, and living a more convenient existence. While cell phones are not inexpensive, they do provide a lot of value to our lives by simplifying certain chores […]

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