Looking for the Ideal Phone Case? Here’s How to Choose!

phone cases
Looking for the Ideal Phone Case? Here’s How to Choose!

Smartphones are like little computers in today’s modern times. They store information that is crucial to your job and your social life. They allow you to stay in touch with your friends and family whenever you wish. It’s not uncommon for them to be priced in the hundreds. In turn, mobile phone cases are a […]

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3 Benefits of Switching to Carbon Fibre Phone Cases Today

phone case
3 Benefits of Switching to Carbon Fibre Phone Cases Today

Buying a new phone is an investment. As other investments do, it’s vital to keep them secure and safe. However, many phone cases in the market are suitable for maintaining smartphones more durable than ever, and carbon fibre phone cases are one of them. But how do people benefit from investing in a good phone […]

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5 Types of Phone Cases and the Easiest Ways to Remove Them

phone case
5 Types of Phone Cases and the Easiest Ways to Remove Them

Although smartphones have become helpful over the years, they have also become more fragile. For example, there are models where the front and back panels come in glass materials that become prone to cracks due to accidental falls. Therefore, the problem opened an industry of solutions—phone cases. Nowadays, people also protect their phones to maintain […]

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Did You Know That Your Phone Case Says a Lot about You?

phone cases
Did You Know That Your Phone Case Says a Lot about You?

A new survey conducted by Tirita, a phone case company, reports that most millennial respondents own more than one phone case, and that most of them will match their phone case with their outfit or makeup. Whether you choose to use the sparkly extra case that comes with a matching phone cover, or the comfortable […]

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Helpful Tips to Guide You in Choosing the Perfect Phone Case

phone case
Helpful Tips to Guide You in Choosing the Perfect Phone Case

Smartphones are an integral part of people’s lifestyles all over the world. Apart from serving as a communication device, modern smartphones have simplified online tasks and provided information at the tip of your fingers. It’s needless to say that you must treat your smartphone with care at all times. Keeping it in the best phone […]

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