How Do You Know Your Screen or Screen Protector Is Damaged?

Did you recently drop your phone? Are you unsure whether your screen or only your screen protector is damaged? 

Use your ultimate weapon when checking for cracks: a bright light. Using this light, examine your phone to see if there are any damages or cracks on the surface of the glass. Sometimes, cracks may look like specks of dust so you can try wiping them carefully. If they don’t move, then that’s more likely to be scratches or cracks.

Aside from these, here are a few things to help you tell whether there is a crack on your screen or screen protector.

What Does a Cracked Phone Screen Look Like

screen Protector

You can tell that your phone has a crack when there are several lines of broken pixels on the screen. There are also indicators if the cracks are visible on top of the display. For example, if you see a rainbow color on the screen with visible cracks, then your phone is probably damaged.

When your phone’s glass screen is cracked or damaged, you’ll also notice that there are weird lines or “dead pixels” on the screen.

What Does a Cracked Screen Protector Look Like

A typically cracked screen protector looks like a spider web. A spider web is made up of tiny cracks that are almost invisible to the naked eye because of their size. But when you look at it up close, you’ll notice its cracks.

You can see the cracks when you look at your phone at an almost 180-degree angle. Once you know that it’s damaged, see how big the cracks are. Once it’s big enough, you can replace the screen protector with a new one.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cracked Screen and Screen Protector


Now that you know the difference between a damaged screen and a screen protector, here are some of the few questions you might have in terms of what you can do next to fix them.

Can Toothpaste Fix Your Broken Phone Screen

Lots of folks claim that you can fix or clean your screen using toothpaste. The quick answer is yes. The logic behind this is using its abrasive properties to rub off some of the dirt or smudge on your screen. With this, you can scrub the display of your phone and have it as good as new. However, this trick only works for small cracks. 

Can You Put Two Screen Protectors at a Time

Since most of the screen protectors sold in the market are made from thin and flexible materials, it’s easy to put two screen protectors on your phone. If you want to try this out, make sure you clean your screen before you put the second screen protector to make sure it will stick.

How Do I Fix a Cracked Phone Screen

Sadly, there’s no way of repairing a cracked phone screen. Once the screen is cracked and it’s visible, you have to replace it with a new one.

Phone repairs are available in stores as well as online. If you’ll ask most of the experts, they will tell you that the best way to fix a cracked phone screen for a reasonable price is to go to the store where you bought your phone.

If you want to do it on your own (and you know how to do it), then you can purchase a DIY kit and a high-quality LCD replacement so you can make a quick fix on your own.

What If I Just Have a Cracked Screen Protector

If you’re just dealing with a cracked screen protector, then here’s what you should do.

First, remove the cracked screen protector. Then, clean the glass screen with a lint-free cloth. Make sure that the cloth is not moist or wet. If your screen has a fingerprint on it, use a dry cloth to wipe it off first.

Lastly, make sure that your hands are clean and dry as well. Apply a thin layer of screen protector on уour phone and make sure that its edges are aligned with your phone’s screen. For better results, make sure that you follow the instructions on how to apply the screen protector that came with your device.


Now that you know the difference between a damaged screen and a damaged screen protector and how to tell which is which, it’s time to make a decision on what you should do next. Do you want to repair your screen or change your screen protector?

Mobile Shark offers the best screen protectors in Birmingham. Let us help protect your phone from screen damage with the right layer of screen protectors. Check out our list of products today!

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